Not As We (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette LA)

speaking to you is like dodging bullets
just trying to escape harm
trying to not be penetrated by your poison
you words wear out my skin
 and expose my bones
you leave me exhausted
there's no warmth there
only surface
you talk the talk
but i see no walking
it's like you're all mouth
and you're made of delusional intent
you invite me to be close to you
but when i reach out you're vapor
thin air
empty like your promises
and i spew this anger as a purge
because i really love you
and i really wish you were the man you say you are
i wish your pretense
wasn't so dense
i always knew not to trust a man born under the number 10
the carriage always becomes a pumpkin again
and you're left looking for that damn glass slipper
well fuck all that
i'll carry on barefoot
i need no shoes
because i have soul
so with a handful of the dust that we became
i blow wishes into the wind
hoping that we both become our potential
just not as we


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