No Match For Me (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

your fingerprints are still on my heart
the way we touched was forever
took me higher than i'd ever known
and just when i was consumed by it
a blow to the jaw
in slow motion
my head spun
blood splattered the wall beside me
a perfect knockout
i was down for the count
heard it in my head
like a movie
frozen in time
i wasn't expecting the hurt
didn't anticipate the pain
we weren't in the ring
no bell ringing
i was just loving you
handing you my emotion
but you pounded my heart in
for you it was a contest
and you thought i'd given up
you thought you had the best of me
but the hate you brought to this fight you created
was like bringing a knife into a gun fight
and i rose
stood on my legs
swung with all of my might
and i hit back
snapped your neck back
and you fell
in a pile
chest heaving from the stress
your breath labored
never think you will get the best of me
and in that moment i let go
let go of the love i felt for you
and i began to feel that love for myself
it wasn't such a fight afterall
you were no match for me


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