Judged (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i see a desperation in your eyes
like a cloud of despair hanging over you
a curtain of darkness wanting to consume your Light
you've been treated badly
been judged by the color of your skin
admired for the color of your hair
they only want your tits
only care about your ass
only want to get after your dick
they're not after you
they just want to steal your shell
because they live in a hell
and they fail to see until we are all equal we are all damned
they've called you faggot
called you a dumb cunt
called you a nigger
a jap
a jew
a wetback
judged you for your age
for your weight
for whom you choose to love
they ridicule you because you don't follow the herd
and it's fear that drives their hate
it's ignorance that feeds their denial
So i say to you
"shine your Light"
smile instead of answering their empty threats
don't fall into the trap
don't be imprisoned
no social disease
break free
turn the other cheek
but don't play the victim
speak your mind
use your words
but fight with your heart
love them all
it's what we are all built for
whether you are male
see your own beauty
be a Light in this world
be part of the positive flow
brush off the hate
and if they throw bricks
forgive them
and if they punch you
forgive them
because your jewish, jap, nigger,wetback,  faggot, cunt ass is perfection
God made us in His image
and obviously His image is diverse
spread it
pass it on
pay it forward
the only way to get over this is to get through it
it's simple
stop being hate
start being love
and you'll feel love
because we truly are all one


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