Saints Hanging Around My Neck (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

denim wrapped around my torso
saints hanging around my neck
like they're hanging onto the stars tattooed around them
hoping to take flight
and like a shooting star i've lived my life
like a bright flash
constantly on the move
but i'm ready to slow it down a bit
and my furry smile hides so many secrets
but i'll let you in on one of them
that i'm happy
that i'm finally real
i let go
i'm taking chances
i've always thought of myself as a collaboration
i identify with cowboys
with the leather and the smell and the wildness
the riding into sunsets inhaling dust
the feel of the saddle
treading a path of your own
i identify with rock stars
leather and skulls and a fuck it attitude
living out loud and out of bounds
i identify with hippies
independent thinkers
leather and feathers
complete freedom
i identify with Catholicism
doctrines and dogmas
saints and sinners
frankincense and myrrh
prayers and stained glass
I'm a combination of all of these things
and i feel it in my bones
in my skin
i'm not supposed to be like the rest of the crowd
i'm carving out my own path
i'm a cowboy rockstar hippie sinner
my heart is my own
but it's open
i protect it because i know it's precious
so if i hand it to you
either through my actions or my words
know it's not for nothing
know that this Cheshire grin holds a universe of things to reveal
i'm full of stars
i'm filled with wish


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