Back To Life (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

We had a beautiful, magical love affair
Too dumb to hold on
Too young to care
now we wake up in different beds
in different cities
and i think it's against our wishes
Baby you've got so many demons
and they all look alot like me
What have i done to you?
why have i run from you?
what a sad, beautiful, tragic end
to a love that keeps on living
despite the ignorance we've fed it along the way
and i still feel you on nights like this
you're my other half
and i feel like a train run off its track
how do i get back to you?
back to those times when you'd count the lines around my eyes
like stars
and make wishes on them
i was the lucky one
i just didn't realize it
and as i turn around with my head all full of you
i see you on the street
and the night explodes around us
you smile and my stomach gives birth to butterflies
our eyes meet and yours look like you've finally found your home
I just want to know you better now
that i'm not obsessed with myself
and i've missed you all this time
and this night proves it's not all in my mind
as i hold your hand walking along this pale lit street
standing there
handing you my heart
a beautiful, magical love
comes back to life


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