Beauty Steals My Words (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i love you so much
that when you hurt i hurt
when the nails pierce your skin
my stigmata bleeds
i feel it all swirl over me
feels like i'm dreaming
i'm in your bed
and your power overwhelms me
your beauty steals my strength
i'm captured
and i never want to leave
your words are my prayers
you are a muse to me
my mystery
you slink about in a shroud of secrecy
ceremoniously going about
and my heart, it sits in your hands
rests firmly
it beats for only you
i feel a flood of emotion for you
almost drowning me
surrounding me
with glorious light
and your sex is like champagne for me
bubbly and intoxicating
it comes in waves
it comes with riddles
i light candles
i pray
i bow at the altar
to be altered
you are my inspiration
you are the one i love
i cast my eyes heavenly
to the Lord above
you words are hymns
that heal my wounds
your beauty steals my words
it is you that i seek


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