This Toxin (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i get this lesson that i'm being shown
i'm understanding it as it progressively unfolds in front of me
it's about accepting what you need to accept
and letting go of the things that need to be let go of
my narcissism got me into a predicament
it told me that it was ok to have a neuro toxin injected into my forehead
it sold me the lie that i'd look younger
it convinced me that i had the power to ward off time itself
it nearly killed me
and as this toxin migrates around my body, i'm learning
learning to accept that my body is perfect as God designed it
that i don't have the power to erase time
that i am foolish
that i need to focus on what i can do to change the world around me
instead of centering my focus on people's perception of the facade that hides me
i am going to wrinkle
i am going to continue to deteriorate as i age
i will lose against gravity
i will fade away
but i am a fighter
and this toxin will not be what erases me from this planet
i have too much left to say and too much left to do
and this is but a stepping stone for me
i will find my way to a higher existence
i will find my purity
my body is being forced to change the way it is handling things
i refuse to let this negatively change me
i will find a way to turn this into something beautiful
i will transform from this
i will let go of expectations
i will let go of what people think of me
and i will JUST BE
i will let go of my desire to be youthful
i never found anything formidable in my youth
i'm finding that now
i thought that Botox would change my physical appearance
i had no idea that it would spiritually transform me
i am thankful
i have confidence that from this i will not only rise, but i will soar...


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