Faith Will Lead You (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

do i have to stick a gun in your mouth
to get your attention?
i have an insatiable need to be noticed
you can view it as a sickness
or a blessing
but i won't shut the fuck up
until i say what i was put here to say
i want to share my stories with you
i want you to learn it before i did
i want your road to be easier than mine was at times
i dont' want you to fall into traps that i fell into
don't care what they think
instead care about how you FEEL
faith will lead you where you need to be
fly above things that you don't want to be a part of
never give in
at this point in my life i want no lies
don't want to be hung up on things that lessen me
I want lessons
not to be lessened
I want to grow
expand my existence
but i want to hold your hand
and bring you along with me
when you feel weak i want to be your strength
and if i should feel weak i'd like to count on your strength to pull me through
for it's together that we'll get through this
and it's not so serious
in fact it's pretty comical
that we fight
and in the end we all die
whether you achieved what the world thought you needed to or not
you achieve what you need to for your own karma


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