I Write (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

i write because i must
because i would not be who i am if i did not write
i write to share
i write to express
i write to create
i write to escape
i tell stories
i have tales
i share what has happened to me
in hopes that someone somewhere can relate
i write in hopes that i'm not alone in how i think and feel and love
i write to grow
i write to heal
to heal me
to heal you
i write because sometimes it's all i can do
i write to get these things out of my head
i write to free my heart
i write to share my soul
i write because i love words
i write to feel alive
i write because i want my words to live on
i write in hopes that one piece, one line i write may inspire you to write
i write because i feel that in my written form i've bought a small piece of immortality


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