Sacred Heart (by James Leland Ludeau III from Lafayette,LA)

Jesus' sacred heart lives on through me
created in His image
I'm beautiful and flawed
I stumble
I fall
I crumble
I stall
But yet i feel loved
not judged
and when i can't sleep at night
He comes into my room and soothes me
He holds me in his soft but powerful palms
This fire that burns in my soul
This inspiration i have
This desire i have to share and to grow and to learn
It's His spirit in me
When i fall to my knees to try to wrap my mind around his Almighty love
when i smile for seemingly no reason
It's His love that's in my heart
And when i close my eyes and feel that intangible magic in the air
It's His aura
Blessed Be He
who teaches me to love and to forgive
and to not give up


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